Hospitality Interior Decor
You can’t print a couch from your home inkjet (at least not yet) - but we’ve got the next best thing: Digitally Printed Furniture, Wallpaper, and Artwork.

Used to be, if the hospitality industry was going to use a printer, it was for menus, brochures, posters and flyers. Now? Consider digitally printed wallpaper. Furniture with upholstery custom designed and digitally printed on fabric. Artwork – prints, wall hangings, faux tapestries. Not to mention window graphics and privacy films.
Expanding Options
The options have grown to the point where one industry magazine proclaims digital offers “opportunities to print nearly all interior decor products.”
“I believe designers…are increasingly aware that they can customize any part of their interior projects,” says Roy Ritchie Jr., president of wallcovering for Roysons Corp., Rockaway, N.J. “Digital printing is used on a wide range of interior décor—and for good reason. Clients want to distinguish their properties and have complete control over all aspects of the interiors.”
Scantech Graphics, located in the Kearny Mesa neighborhood of San Diego, has what you need to make it all happen.
Advancing Technology

“Each year the technology advances, creating better quality, reducing lead time and making the entire process more affordable. Not too long ago, we saw this level of customization reserved for high budget properties. Now we see it expanding to a wider audience.”
Simply put, this means customized branding at a fraction of what it used to cost to have these items printed using older offset printing technology. Digital is fast, cost effective, and easy to produce. Change your mind about a design? No lengthy and expensive re-creating printing plates needed – tweak your design in just about any software program, upload it to your digital print provider, and in no time your new look is on its way.
But, what does it look like?
What does a digitally printed interior look like? Glad you asked – take a peek below at a few examples of recent Scantech Graphics projects:

Clockwise from bottom left: Wall mural for The Farmer & The Seahorse; textured wallpaper for Woku Ramen; LED backlit Fabric art at the Crack Shack in Century City; wall art formatted for an unusual space at Azul Hospitality Group; swan wallpaper for Brian Malarkey’s Green Acre; and glass decal for American Comedy Club.
Inspired? Give us a shout and let us help you bring your ideas into reality.